Toward a Just Recovery: Global Systems in Transition

Supported by The Graciela Chichilnisky Environmental Fund
in Honor of Natasha Chichilnisky-Heal

The 2021 Global Environmental Justice Conference at the Yale School of the Environment will focus on a just green recovery. As we emerge from the pandemic into the reality of climate disruption, it is clear that restarting the economy cannot mean a return to the status quo. Instead, leaders in government and policy, NGO’s, universities, the private sector, and grassroots coalitions have a pronounced opportunity to rethink how we live. Domestically and internationally, justice will be at the center of investments in the recovery, and this conference will investigate theories of change in energy and food justice. How do we get from the problems we diagnose to the solutions? How do those solutions address the real economic and physical challenges while keeping justice at the center?

Panelists will include scholars, practitioners, and activists at the forefront of building capacity for a just response. These interdisciplinary experts will consider the tasks necessary to advance food and energy justice in the face of climate disruption. The conference, supported by The Graciela Chichilnisky Environmental Fund in Honor of Natasha Chichilnisky-Heal, is hosted by the Yale Center for Environmental Justice and co-sponsored by the the Yale Center for Climate Change and Health and the Yale Sustainable Food Program.  This year’s hybrid conference will meet via Zoom and include interactive opportunities to engage the speakers and conference network.

Friday, October 29 8:30a.m. - 5:00p.m. EDT

Conference Co-Sponsors

Conference Planners

Gerald Torres
Gerald Torres
Professor of Environmental Justice
Professor of Law
Faculty Director
Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Laura Bozzi
Laura Bozzi
Director of Programs
Yale Center for Climate Change and Health
Samara Brock
Samara Brock
PhD Student
Zander De Jesus
Zander De Jesus
MEM Candidate 2022
Gabriela V. Rodriguez
Gabriela V. Rodriguez
MEM Candidate 2023

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
