Andrea Richards

Andrea Richards

Andrea Richards

Caribbean Archaeologist
United Nations Caribbean

Andrea is a Caribbean archaeologist presently working with the United Nations in the Caribbean to coordinate and implement various initiatives on disaster resilience in the Caribbean’s culture sector, with a focus on post-disaster needs and vulnerability assessments and the safeguarding of living heritage in emergencies. Andrea’s interests are wide in the heritage field; however, she has a special interest in the impact of climate change on cultural and natural heritage, the sustainable use of heritage, the application of international heritage treaties in the Caribbean and the movement of the region’s cultural property. She is an associate fellow at the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of SE Asian and Caribbean Studies (Carib TRAILS Project) and is presently undertaking doctoral research on climate change adaptation and heritage, with a focus on cultural heritage pathways in mitigation, adaptation and building resilience. She has also conducted research for publications focusing on cultural resource management in the Caribbean, the impact of natural hazards and climate change on the pre-Columbian archaeological record, and resilient Caribbean communities and climate change.

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
