Global Environmental Justice Conference 2022

Adessou Kossivi

Adessou Kossivi

Adessou Kossivi

Regional Lead of Africa
Global Network of Civil Society Organization for Disaster Reduction

Adessou Kossivi is the current Regional Lead of Africa at the Global Network of Civil Society Organization for Disaster Reduction (GNDR). He holds a Masters Degree in International Environmental Law (IEL). He has worked and developed expertise in Climate Change (CC), and Disaster Risk Management (DRM). He has gained expertise in leading and coordinating civil society organizations and networks in Africa. Kossivi is a strong advocate of shifting power from the international system to community-led capacities, preparedness, and response facilitated by the local organizations. He has worked in Togo, Mozambique, and Senegal covering climate change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management, and development topics. Kossivi is the current elected Co-chair of the Director Board of Climate Action Network-International (CAN-I). He speaks French and English with basic knowledge of Portuguese.

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
