EJ @ Yale

building with solar

Welcome to the EJ @ Yale Directory!

YCEJ works alongside the world’s largest single-campus EJ faculty.  Faculty across Yale collaborate on cutting edge research, teach courses, and connect research to practice through Yale’s centers, programs and initiatives. Students tap into these activities and also conduct original EJ research.  We hope the directories on this page will help make this ecosystem more visible to all members of this community and beyond.

EJ Faculty @ Yale

Faculty across Yale’s departments and schools are pioneering research and broader work within environmental justice. This directory highlights these faculty and their leadership on environmental justice, and we invite you to explore our community.

Centers, Programs, and Initiatives @ Yale

Centers, Programs, and Initiatives across Yale address injustices and oppression across disciplines and sectors, and connect research to practice with partners leading this work. 

EJ Courses @ Yale

Faculty across Yale teach courses on cross-cutting environmental justice and climate justice topics. 

EJ Students @ Yale

Students are an essential part of the EJ activities at Yale and beyond. Find current students conducting research on EJ or involved in EJ-related programs and projects in the student directory. - coming fall 2024!

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Email: ycej@yale.edu