Lynn Frewer
Lynn Frewer
Professor Lynn Frewer is chair of Food and Society at Newcastle University, (UK). Previously she was a Professor of Food Safety and Consumer Behaviour at Wageningen University, (Netherlands), and Head of Consumer Science at the Institute of Food Research at Norwich, (UK). Lynn’s research interests focus on understanding food systems, developing effective risk and benefit communication strategies with consumers, understanding and measuring societal and individual responses to risks and benefits associated with food security issues throughout the supply chain, and agri-food governance and associated policy issues. Lynn also has interests in stakeholder engagement in the development of improved food security linked to agri-food research. Lynn has published extensively in these research areas, (with more than 300 peer reviewed journal articles and continues to contribute to national and international research agenda setting and evaluations relevant to society, food and agriculture.
People and Partners
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511