How Equitable Transportation Access Drives Distributive Justice and Development

Thursday, December 15, 2022

This session will explore why equitable access to transportation is needed to achieve development goals while also playing a critical role in combating the unfolding crisis of climate change. Solutions must consider how people really travel, and how goods are delivered. Just and inclusive cities promise broader distribution of resources enabling a broader participation in the economy. Inclusive transportation planning is critical to achieving equitable access to increasingly low carbon modes of transportation. However, the barriers of political will and direction must be overcome, including transport services that do not include those that would benefit from it most, low awareness of the justice implications of accessible transport, and the lack of funds and financing for sustainable, accessible transportation. This session will describe mechanisms that could be applied internationally at the regional or municipal level to ensure clean transportation for all.

Moderated by Jill Capotosto Energy Justice Liaison, Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstration


Patricia Romero-Lankao Senior Research Scientist, The National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Aimee Gauthier Chief Knowledge Officer, Institute for Transportation & Development Policy

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
