Max Teirstein

Max Teirstein
Community Resource Lab Fellow
B.S. Candidate in Environmental Studies, Political Science
Yale College
Max Teirstein (he/him) is a Yale College senior studying environmental studies and political science. Max has spent much of the past two years exploring geospatial technologies as tools for guiding state and federal climate policy that serves communities hardest-hit by the climate crisis and environmental apartheid. His work has supported ongoing initiatives at the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the New York State Attorney General’s Office, the EPA, and the Maryland Department of the Environment. At YCEJ, Max is working to retool environmental justice mapping to become a resource for community leaders to leverage in their advocacy and for community members to build power.
People and Partners
Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511