Global Environmental Justice Conference 2023

Mark Freudenberger

Mark Freudenberger

Mark Freudenberger

Director of the Land Tenure and Property Rights Sector
Tetra Tech

Dr. Mark S. Freudenberger is a leader in the field of global climate change, deforestation, and land use with over 30 years of experience designing, implementing, evaluating, and providing strategic direction to natural resource programs across the Global South. Currently semi-retired, Freudenberger is an on-call employee with Tetra Tech ARD. Recently, Freudenberger managed projects on deforestation-free cocoa in Ghana, artisanal mining and property rights in the Central African Republic, and natural resource management in Madagascar. Throughout his career, Dr. Freudenberger has provided significant thought leadership around community resource governance and vulnerable peoples’ inclusion in global and national climate and land use agendas, publishing significant peer reviewed works for governments, multilateral institutions, leading NGOs, and the private sector. During his spare time, he was the handyman to the Pine Island Community Farm in Burlington, Vermont, a goat and vegetable farm launched by his now deceased wife Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger with New Americans from Bhutan and Somalia.

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
