Debbie Humphries

Debbie Humphries
Dr. Debbie Humphries has a broad background in public health research and practice. She has been a consultant in the areas of diet and physical activity behavior change, sustainability of community health programs, program monitoring and evaluation, and training in participatory monitoring and evaluation. She has extended that reach through her Practice-based Community Health Research course which places student groups with agencies in Connecticut to plan and evaluate programs. Dr. Humphries’ research addresses interactions between nutrition and infectious disease, as well as programmatic approaches to improving public health. This work has taken her to Asia and Africa where she has studied environmental factors and intestinal helminth infections and their relationship to anemia as well as effectiveness of intervention programs. She is part of the R3EDI hub at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA) at Yale, providing technical assistance on implementation science and HIV as part of the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative. Humphries is also a member of the Community Research Engagement steering committee at Yale.
People and Partners
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511