Global Environmental Justice Conference 2021

Kristin Reynolds

Kristin Reynolds

Kristin Reynolds

Yale School of the Environment

Dr. Kristin Reynolds is a critical food geographer whose work focuses on the intersections of food systems; social justice; and food policy at multiple scales. Her research over the past 15 years has examined racial and economic justice in urban agriculture in California, New York and Paris; food sovereignty implications of heritage grain production in Eastern France; and the roles of scholars using action research to advance social and environmental justice in the food system. Dr. Reynolds is Lecturer at Yale School of the Environment; and she is a visiting professor and Chair of Food Studies at The New School in New York City. She holds a Ph.D. in Geography and M.S. in International Agricultural Development from the University of California, Davis. Research website: | Twitter: @cultivatejust. 

People and Partners

Yale Center for Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
